Laravel 11 is expected to maintain its focus on simplicity, developer experience, and performance, building on the strengths of previous versions. Here's a detailed syllabus of important topics to master in Laravel 11 for both beginner and advanced developers:
1. Basics of Laravel
- Introduction to Laravel and its features
- Setting up Laravel 11 project (Installation & Configuration)
- Directory structure and application flow
- Environment configuration (
- Artisan CLI commands
- Using Laravel Sail and Docker
2. Routing
- Basic routing (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
- Route parameters and constraints
- Named routes
- Route groups and middleware
- Implicit and explicit route model binding
- API routing with versioning
3. Controllers
- Creating controllers
- Resource controllers
- API controllers
- Invokable controllers
- Route-to-controller mapping
4. Middleware
- Understanding middleware
- Creating custom middleware
- Using middleware groups
- Global middleware and route-specific middleware
- Middleware parameters
5. Requests and Responses
- Handling HTTP requests
- Retrieving input and query parameters
- Validating user input
- Working with files and file uploads
- Generating HTTP responses and redirects
- JSON responses
6. Blade Templating Engine
- Blade syntax and directives
- Template inheritance and layouts
- Components and slots
- Conditional statements and loops
- Rendering data in views
7. Database and Eloquent ORM
- Database configuration and migrations
- Database seeding and factories
- Eloquent models and relationships
- One-to-One, One-to-Many, Many-to-Many
- Polymorphic relationships
- Query builder and raw queries
- Eloquent mutators and accessors
- Pagination
8. Advanced Eloquent
- Eloquent events
- Soft deletes and timestamps
- Eager loading and lazy loading
- Query scopes (global and local)
- Casting attributes
- Working with JSON fields in databases
9. Authentication and Authorization
- Laravel Breeze and Laravel Jetstream for authentication
- Guards and providers
- Custom authentication systems
- Authorization gates and policies
- Role-based access control (RBAC)
- Password resets and email verification
10. APIs and Laravel Sanctum
- Building RESTful APIs
- API resource classes and transformations
- API authentication using Laravel Sanctum
- API rate limiting
- Testing APIs
11. Queues and Jobs
- Introduction to queues
- Queue configuration (Redis, Database, etc.)
- Creating and dispatching jobs
- Scheduling tasks using the Laravel scheduler
- Handling failed jobs
12. Event-Driven Development
- Creating and listening for events
- Event broadcasting
- Broadcasting with Laravel Echo and Pusher
13. File Storage
- Working with the Laravel file system
- Storing files locally and in cloud storage (AWS S3, Google Cloud, etc.)
- File uploads and downloads
14. Testing
- Unit testing with PHPUnit
- Feature testing with Laravel
- Mocking and faking
- API testing
- Browser testing with Laravel Dusk
15. Security
- CSRF protection
- Input validation and sanitization
- XSS and SQL injection prevention
- Authentication and password hashing
- Encrypting sensitive data
16. Laravel Livewire (Optional)
- Introduction to Laravel Livewire
- Building interactive UIs without JavaScript
- Components and lifecycle hooks
- Livewire validation and events
17. Performance Optimization
- Query optimization and caching
- Config and route caching
- Minifying assets
- Optimizing database queries
- Using queues for resource-heavy tasks
18. Localization and Internationalization
- Localization setup
- Using language files
- Switching between languages dynamically
19. Packages
- Installing and using third-party packages
- Developing custom packages
- Publishing package assets and configurations
20. Deployment
- Preparing a Laravel project for production
- Deploying Laravel applications using Forge, Envoyer, or other tools
- Setting up a CI/CD pipeline
- Optimizing performance for production
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